H157 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


0157'ahab {aw-hab'}或是'aheb {aw-habe'} 字根型;TWOT-29;动词 AV-love 169,lover(s)19,friend(s)12,beloved 5, liketh 1,lovely 1,loving 1;208


0157'ahab {aw-hab'}or 'aheb {aw-habe'} a primitive root;TWOT-29;v AV-love 169,lover(s)19,friend(s)12,beloved 5, liketh 1,lovely 1,loving 1;208

1)to love
--1a1)human love for another,includes family,and sexual
--1a2)human appetite for objects such as food,drink,sleep,wisdom
--1a3)human love for or to God
--1a4)act of being a friend
--1a4a)lover (participle)
--1a4b)friend (participle)
--1a5)God's love toward man
--1a5a)to individual men
--1a5b)to people Israel
--1a5c)to righteousness
--1b1)lovely (participle)
--1b2)loveable (participle)
--1c2)lovers (fig.of adulterers)
2)to like